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Adult Programs

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School class is starting on January 5: Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp.

In his book, author Paul Tripp challenges, “Nothing is more important in your life than being one of God’s tools to form a human soul.”

Whether you’re a parent (or grandparent) of a toddler or a teen,  this study will help us explore God’s design for parenting, focusing on principles such as the importance of grace, the need for heart transformation, and how to parent as ambassadors of Christ.  Each session will explore one of 14 principles, offering practical insights and biblical truths that apply to everyday family life.

Join a thriving group of parents at Second who aim to build Christ-centered homes. Sandy and Bill  will be facilitating this book study. We will be meeting every Sunday morning starting January 5 from 9:20-10:05 am in the church basement. We’d love to see you there!


Bible Studies

FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE: Women of all ages are welcome to join us for a Bible study on every other Wednesday night of each month starting on Sept. 18th at 7 pm at Jan Ruiter’s home. We will be doing a study on Philippians.

MEN’S EVENING BIBLE STUDY:All Things For Good”, The title of this book written over 400 years ago by the Puritan, Thomas Watson, is drawn from Romans 8:28 – “All things work together for good.” “All Things”…do you truly believe this?  Watson dives deep into Romans 8:28 in a study that is guaranteed to equip, strengthen and encourage you in the challenges you face as you strive to be a man of God. The truths discovered in this study are as relevant today as they were centuries ago.

SISTERS IN THE LORD: Welcome to all the ladies of our Second Family. I hope you all had an enjoyable summer. I’m sure you’re as excited as I am to reconnect with friends and acquaintances after the long break and what better place to do that than with Sisters in the Lord. This year we will be studying the Sermon on the Mount. 

This year, Sisters in the Lord will meet  every other Thursday at 1:30 in the Education Building starting on Sept. 19. Unfortunately, childcare will no longer be available. Please plan to stay for a social time with refreshments following the study period. All ladies are welcome whether or not you have joined us before.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Join us for a time of fellowship, faith, and food at our Men’s Bible Study! We meet every Saturday at 7:45 AM at Fairway Café. This is a mixed group of men of all ages, coming together to enjoy bacon, fresh-brewed coffee, and the Word of God.

We are currently walking verse by verse through the Gospel of John, diving deep into gospel and how it appies to our lives today. Whether you’re a seasoned Bible reader or just getting started, this is a great opportunity to grow in faith and community.

Come hungry—both for breakfast and for the Word! See you there.