Ministry & Missions Giving
We are blessed to partner with the following Ministries and Missions:

India-Glen De Young: Born out of vision, prayer and a desire to bless the children of India for the glory of God, Glen De Young began a focus of ministry to India. He has a desire, vision, and calling to reach children with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is doing this through Bible and character programs and in providing educational scholarships for children. He is focusing his energies on training and equipping parents, teachers and pastors through Bible and character training seminars and through the development and publishing of teacher and student lesson materials.

Wycliffe-Ken and Chris Van Weerdhuize: Ken, Chris and their family served for 20 years in the Philippines. Ken served primarily as a pilot and aircraft mechanic. Chris served in a variety of support roles on regional translation centers. Later, they served for a year in Cameroon, again primarily in aviation. Then God used a variety of events to lead them to assignments at the JAARS Center in North Carolina. ( In 2022, medical challenges prompted a move to Michigan. Ken continues to support Bible translation through prayer for the worldwide work and by encouraging and helping people as God brings them across his path. In her role with the Care Team, Chris ministers to Wycliffe colleagues, some of whom are serving overseas and some transitioning to life in the US. She maintains a relationship with them, encouraging them, answering their questions, and connecting them with helpful resources so they can serve effectively. Member care is an important part of retaining valuable servants. To learn more, visit their website at:

Love INC: Love Inc. provides the means for Christian churches to work together to express their love for God, each other and their neighbors in practical, coordinated ways, bringing hope to young and old in Whatcom County. To learn more, visit their website at:

Mission India-church planting: Mission India’s vision is to see India transformed by the love of Christ by equipping India’s Christians to plant reproducing churches to spread the gospel. Currently, we have been blessed to support 14 church planters. To learn more, visit their website at:

International Christian Response: ICR has provided spiritual and material assistance to Christians who live in countries hostile to the gospel, enabling them to proclaim the truth, plant churches and persevere. To learn more, visit their website at:

Bethany Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church began as the Friend of Sinners Reformed Bible Study in Maple Falls during November of 2020 (covidtime) with the recognition that Rural Whatcom County’s deepest need is to hear and receive the free offer of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His gracious salvation. In the gospels, we read that the opponents of Christ tried to disqualify Him for being a friend of tax collectors and sinners (Luke 7:34), yet He who is our Maker, has said; I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you (John 15:15). As Christ has offered Himself as a propitiation for sin, calling sinners to repent and believe in Him, He has indeed become our greatest Helper and Friend. He is our Prophet as He teaches the full counsel of God by His Word and Spirit. He is our Priest as He offers the final sacrifice for sin, which was Himself, and He always lives to make intercession for us (Heb. 7:25). Lastly, He is our King as He reigns over us and defends us, conquering all of His and our enemies. (Westminster Shorter Catechism Q.23). For information, please visit

Summit House: Summit House is a discipleship program aimed at helping those men and women who are having a difficult time establishing themselves in life, work and the church. Whether struggling through addictions, homelessness or other trying times, we believe we are created to experience life and God together, and work to facilitate that in the lives of our residents and the church body as a whole. In addition to a minimum clean-and-sober time of 90 days we have a fairly extensive application that each person is required to fill out. To learn more, visit their website at:

Ministry Shares: In 1862, Christian Reformed congregations recognized that some of the ministries to which Christ calls us can be difficult to do on our own. They covenanted to pool their resources in order to do more and greater ministry together. They use ministry shares to fund a variety of requested ministries both within North America and around the world. The vast majority of every dollar of ministry shares goes directly to ministry programs that start new churches, train servant leaders, support chaplains, resource congregations, and reach out to our neighbors through media and evangelism. To learn more, visit their website at:

Envision Mission: Our vision is to facilitate authentic community in the Spirit of Christ Jesus – right in the midst of a busy, lonely American culture. We really believe that life is about relationships. Our first relationship is with Jesus, so if you don’t know Him yet, we’d love to introduce you. But if that doesn’t interest you, you’re still welcome to come and check out what we’re doing. We desire to build an authentic community in the heart of Bellingham. Envision is a place to belong, a place of welcome and love. Our focus is downtown Bellingham. To learn more, visit their website at:
Light of the World Prayer Center: A Prayer Center to encourage and facilitate 24/7 prayer and worship of Jesus Christ, primarily in Whatcom County, but also around the nation and around the world, as led by the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God. We exist to exalt Jesus Christ through united day and night prayer, praise and worship. To learn more, visit their website at:
Whatcom County Pregnancy Clinic: For over 25 years, the Whatcom County Pregnancy Clinic has been dedicated to educating, equipping, and empowering individuals and families facing an unplanned pregnancy. We offer a compassionate and confidential* environment for patients to be heard and to receive evidence-based information and medical care. All of our services are free of charge. To learn more, visit their website at:
Starfish Ministries: This ministry is a Christian non-profit organization working to raise and equip the people of Northwest Haiti to be difference-makers in their own country. To learn more, visit their website at:
Bridges of Hope: This ministry has been operating a transformational home in Northern Whatcom County since 2014. The Bridges of Hope home provides a Christ-centered transformational community. We help men released from jail, prison, and substance abuse rehabilitation centers to get back on their feet and start living productive lives. Members of our program live in an atmosphere of trust, security, and mutual respect. We provide transformational discipleship through mentoring, vocational and life skills training, and educational opportunities. Our goal is to facilitate holistic restoration so that the men in our program graduate to become responsible members of society. To learn more, visit their website at: